A frind who is a polic in Guangzhou got marrid ystrday.H onc hlpd m gt out of a vry sticky situation without asking for any dmand. I am sorry that I couldnt giv my congratuation to him in prn his big day. Two yars ago, a stuffy summr vning I was robbd whn walking on th strt with my anothr fmal frind aftr w lft a hair salon. Two guys riding on a motorcycl bhind us rushd onto th sidwalk and pulld my purs away. I fll down on th hard concrt ground and th mortorcycl was hitting by a lctricity pol.Thy quickly shiftd th dirction and zippd away. W wr so appalld and black-out that w forgot to dial 110.I calld my frind, th polic, for hlp with tars in my ys. Tn minuts latr, h showd up and snd m to a hospital narby. Th young rsidnt took littl car of my spot whr I got hurt. Misfortuns nvr com alon.Thr days latr, it bcam so inflaming and swolln bcaus of th hat of summr that I couldnt walk. I vntd my angr and anxity vrywhr I could and dcidd to chang anothr bttr hospital.In ordr to avoid making furthr and wors problm thn and futur, I dcidd to lt a spcific doctor to diagos it. It was a bolt out of th blu to larn that I ndd a surgry, whras it was incrdibl to undrtak a surgry without any local or grnal ansthsia. I xtrmly suffrd from it. It was him who hld my hand tightly without any hsitation during th whol procss and it was him who took m back and forth to hospital to do th daily chcks. Thr wr no sufficint words xprssing my thanks for him.It took m a month back to th normal track until th Mid-Autumn day.My frind availd himslf of th bnfit from his job to offst th 70% of th total costs. Howvr, what th quit unhappy thing was a hard-to-miss and hard-to-fad mark on my right lg. I nd anothr surgry to rmov it.It smd to b a mark of frindship for m. Th old saying gos: Fortun maks frinds and advrsity tsts thm. Im lucky and proud to hav such a gnuin frind. Th bad luck happning to m is unforgttabl, th frind,howvr, is mor unforgttabl.
An unforgettable friend
更新时间:2025-03-17 03:49:36
An unforgettable friend 相关文章
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