借物抒情:老师的手绢-My Teachers Handkerchief,借物抒情:老师的

更新时间:2025-03-07 10:34:29 高中生作文

借物抒情:老师的手绢-My Tachrs Handkrchif 老师的手绢

借物抒情:老师的手绢-My Teachers Handkerchief,借物抒情:老师的







My Tachr's Handkrchif

I prsrv① a handkrchif. It looks vry ordinary but it's quit spcial to m. vry tim I look at it, th kind fac of Ms. Lin, my primary school tachr, appars bfor my ys. Th sight of th handkrchif 6 rcalls my primary school days.

On morning I rcivd my maths tst papr. Whn I saw that I had got only 68 marks, I couldn't hlp crying. Ms. Lin, who had ntrd th classroom at that momnt, took out hr handkrchif and wipd th tars from my fac. “Don't b dprssd②,” sh said. “You'll h abl to catch up with your classmats.” Thn sh bgan to xplain my mistaks.

Anothr tim, during a sports mt, I was so carlss that I trippd③ ovr a ston and fll. Blood kpt oozing④ out of my had. My classmats wr so frightnd that thy did not know what to do. Just thn, Ms. Lin hurrid up to m. Sh took out hr handkrchif, drssd my wound and snt m to th hospital.

All ths happnd a long tim ago. Now I am a snior middl school studnt. Last yar, I wnt to visit Ms. Lin with som of my primary school classmats. I askd for hr handkrchif and sh gav it to m. To m, it is darr than anything ls in th world. It fully shows a tachr's lov for hr studnts. It ncourags m to work hard and study wll. I will kp this handkrchif forvr.



①prsrv [pri'z :v] v.保存;保藏

②dprssd [di'prst] a.意气沮丧的;消沉的

③trip [trip] v.绊;绊倒

④ooz [u:z] v.渗出;冒出;分泌出



借物抒情:老师的手绢-My Tachrs Handkrchif

标签: 小学生 年级
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