Trying To Help Others,Trying To Help Others范文

更新时间:2025-03-14 01:50:58 初中生作文

Trying To Hlp Othrs,Trying To Hlp Othrs范文Trying To Hlp Othrs由英语作文网整理收集 Trying To Hlp Othrs

Trying To Help Others,Trying To Help Others范文

Last Sunday, I wnt to Haimn to go shopping. I saw a lot of popl standing in front of th suprmarkt whn I was walking down th strt.

I wondrd what was happning thr. I hurrid to go thr to tak a look. I ran quickly. To my surpris, thr was a girl sitting in th strt. Th girl with a school bag was about 17 yars old. Thr was also a pic of papr in front of hr. It said, “…my family don’t hav nough mony for m to go to school…”

I was vry sad to s that. I couldn’t hlp giving som mony to th girl. Th girl was vry gratful to m. Sh said, “Thank you!” I was glad to do it. Thn I wnt away with a smil.

That day I had a dram in th vning; I dramt that I had a lot of mony. I did a lot of wondrful things. I hlpd th poor and th old.

Aftr th dram, I know that w should b kind to othrs. If thy ar in troubl, w will try to hlp thm out of troubl. Thn w will fl vry happy and w will think vrything is bautiful. Thn w will hav a nic lif. Dar frinds, try to b a kind prson, th world will b nicr and nicr.

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