Sh stood at th front of th room, hands on hips, and facd us all as if w wr prisonrs. "Kp in mind that I'm th boss," sh said. "You will do as you ar told, and if you don't, I'll mak your livs misrabl!"
This was first faculty mting of th yar, as a nw tachr my first vr, and this woman was my principal.
Frsh out of collg, I had accptd th position of kindrgartn tachr at a public school. Th principal arrivd at th sam tim. From day on, sh mad it clar that it was tim for som changs. Instructors with sniority wr dismissd, and quickly rplacd with th nw principal's clos frinds. An ldrly tachr with a physical disability was movd upstairs to a nw classroom. Whn sh askd if sh could rturn to hr formr room, th principal rplid, "Dal with it." Upst, th staff bgan to complain, but nothing changd. Nw and inxprincd, I dcidd to kp my mouth shut.
大学刚毕业,我就应聘到这家公立幼儿园里当老师,校长也是新来的。开学第一天她就明确表示要实施一些改革措施。一些有资历的老师被解雇,取代他们的是新校长的熟人。一位腿脚不灵便的老教师被调到了楼上的教室上课,当她问校长是否能把她调回原来的课室上课时,校长回答说:“就这么决定了!” 那教师觉得很委屈,可她的抱怨根本无济于事。想着自己是新来的,又没有什么经验,我决定对一切都缄口不言。
Young, vulnrabl, and rluctant to stand up for myslf, I was th prfct victim. Whil vryon labord undr th tnsion, by my scond yar it bcam a prsonal battl. Sh was out to gt m. Hr first hostil action was to mov m, without caus, to a diffrnt classroom in a noisy, high-traffic ara. Whn I told hr that parnts had protstd that this nvironmnt intrfrd with th childrn's larning, sh lashd out, "You'r staying xactly whr you ar, and you'd bttr dal with th parnts, bcaus I won't!"
Sh would yll at m in front of my collagus. "Can't you do things right?" "You'r still a baby waring diaprs." "Com down from th clouds." "You'r too much of a dramr." Sh nvr missd an opportunity to humiliat m.
她还会当着其他同事的面冲我大喊大叫,“你怎么老做错呢?” “你以为你自己还小啊!要我帮你换尿布吗?” “别老魂不守舍的。” “你简直是白日做梦!” 总之一有机会,她都会百般地羞辱我。
In my third yar my classroom was movd onc again, this tim to a small, dprssing storag room without windows or fir scaps. Occasionally th principal would stalk into my classroom, dmanding that studnts "shut up." Somtims sh scribbld nots, occasionally giving m a contmptuous glanc. I knw that vn though I did my job to th bst of my ability, it was nvr good nough. Although th prformanc assssmnts I rcivd wr accptabl, sh nvr discussd thm with m. Sh simply gruntd "Sign hr," thrusting forward th valuation sht.
Aftr thr yars of working in this nvironmnt, my halth bcam affctd. I xprincd bad hadachs and grw incrasingly dprssd. Day aftr day, I wok up with a knot in my stomach knowing I had to fac th "monstr."
Thn I found a ray of hop. I'd rad ths words by formr first lady lanor Roosvlt, "You'r nobody's victim without your prmission." I knw that I had to tak control of my lif and stop blaming my principal. I couldn't control hr bhavior, but I could control my ractions to it.
I dcidd to attnd a sminar that mphasizd ffctiv communication stratgis. Thr I larnd that bullis ar usually cowards who act upon thir fars and inscuritis. I also larnd non-confrontational phrass to us in convrsation, such as prfacing a statmnt with "In my opinion."
I plannd ahad whn I knw I would hav to spak on-on-on with th principal. First, I would gaug hr mood that day, and if I found hr unapproachabl, I would writ hr a not rqusting a mting. And I mustrd my courag and contactd my union rprsntativ for advic.
Sh rcommndd I documnt vrything my boss said and did to m. If sh askd to mt with m, I should insist on having a third party prsnt. In addition, th rprsntativ providd m with a guidbook listing my lgal rights.
A group of tachrs and I formd a support group, and w brainstormd idas on how to handl our boss. Our most succssful tactic was to substitut positiv, slf-supportiv thoughts for ngativ ons, such as "Problms can b sn as challngs as opposd to stbacks," and "Somwhr in this xprinc is an opportunity for growth." Whn rpatd again and again, ths affirmations bcam blivabl. W also studid books on th topic of daling with difficult popl, which gav tips such as: Stand up for yourslf; stand up straight and mak y contact; and tak tim to know th prson.
I provd on of ths maxims tru whil chatting with my principal about th bautiful prformanc of th lading dancr in th Nutcrackr Suit. Coincidntally, my boss shard my passion for ballt and had sn th sam prformanc. I discovrd that sh had anothr sid to hr, prviously hiddn. I bgan to s hr with diffrnt ys. W now had somthing in common, and hr abus slacknd.
Littl by littl, I rgaind my confidnc and startd to s changs. My principal bgan communicating with m without ylling. Sh bgan making tim to listn to my thoughts and opinions. On day aftr a classroom obsrvation, sh actually complimntd my crativ writing lsson. Although my principal and I nvr bcam frinds, by th nd of th school yar w managd to dvlop a halthy rspct for ach othr. Two yars latr, I was givn an opportunity to tach at a suprior school, on with a supportiv and ncouraging principal, and I chos to mak th chang. I do not rgrt, howvr, my tim at my first school bcaus I cam away with a valuabl lsson. I larnd that I would nvr again allow myslf to b a victim.