动态描写:大陈岛纪游-A Visit to Dachen Islands,动态描写:大陈

更新时间:2025-03-16 15:35:52 高中生作文

动态描写:大陈岛纪游-A Visit to Dachn Islands 大陈岛纪游

动态描写:大陈岛纪游-A Visit to Dachen Islands,动态描写:大陈




A Visit to Dachn Islands

Last summr, th wathr was hottr than usual, so som of my frinds and I dcidd to go to th Dachn Islands and spnd a fw days thr.

On our way, w lookd out of th ship's windows and saw many littl grn islands on th sa.

With a loud whistl th ship wnt into th harbor. Through th windows, I saw many fishing boats sailing hr and thr. Thy wnt out of th harbor with hop and cam back with loads of fish. On th markt I saw a lot of baskts full of fish.

Th nxt day, w all got up arly and wnt to th bach nar th hotl to watch th sun rising. W lookd to th ast. Th clouds wr rddish, and thn turnd bright rd. Soon th sun slowly appard and bgan to ris. Th sky around th sun was vry bright and th sun lookd lik a big ball. Th sight was so bautiful that w would nvr forgt.

Not only is th scnry bautiful on th Dachn Islands, but also th popl thr ar vry kind.

During our stay w njoyd th bautiful scnry and at a lot of sa food. To our disappointmnt, w had to lav th islands, but w'll always rmmbr this trip and th popl thr.




动态描写:大陈岛纪游-A Visit to Dachn Islands

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