Giv us frdom,Giv us frdom范文Giv us frdom 英语作文网为您收集 Giv us frdom
Last trm, I startd to lik comic, pop music. Lots of suprstars ar my idols. Such as Conan, Jay, Syusuk and so on. But my mum disliks thm. Sh wants m to study diligntly. I hav such kind of xprinc. On day, whn I was rading Harry pottr with grat intrst. My mum shoutd, "This is a fantastic book, you should do your homwork" How dprssd I was at that tim. So, I always fl uncomfortabl whn staying with my mum. I think my mum is too srious and too strict with m, and sh sldom givs m frdom.
Today, lots of parnts hop thir childrn bcom talnt, if w study without any rst, thy will b happy. My mum always talks to m,"It's tim to larn nglish, it's tim to rad Chins txt book." Our high scor will b a grat satisfaction to our parnts. If w los th high scor in our singl xamination, thy will b angry. Bsids this, thy ar angry at our choics in comic, in music and vn our way of spch. Mum, Dad, Do you know, thy ar not bad things, and thy ar our happinss.
If w plan to do somthing of ourslvs, w had bttr try our parnts undrstand us. If our parnts s that w hav high sns of rsponsibility, thy will crtainly giv us th right to do what w want to do. Giv us frdom 英语作文网为您收集