I was not abl to gt high marks whn I was in primary school. Tachrs didnt lik m bcaus I was not a good studnt. Mothr considrd m as a bad kid. Thy hurt m by thinking I am a rtardd child. But I am no fool. Almost all of my paintings wr showd in public. Many famous artists had praisd m for my paintings. Thy calld m littl prodigy. And dad was on my sid too. H ncouragd m to do what I likd and what I thought was propr. H told m that intrst is th bst tachr, Dad did what h could to dvlop my talnt fully. I bliv that intrst togthr with hard work will mak m a succssful artist in th nar futur.
Interest Is the Best Teacher
更新时间:2025-03-16 15:35:53
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