The common disaster

更新时间:2025-01-21 23:36:23 写人

In th fac of disastr, popl do not b intimidatd, a wid rang of popl facing natural disastrs launchd a valiant struggl, thy ddicatd a swat, and tars, and vn thir livs roadsid stations, stations, th staff did not lt outags W do not panic, th popl strandd in th strt mutual concrn, a concrtd ffort of snow rmoval during th lov around us in th sprad, rplt with.Th workrs Luo Luo Chang-ming, ZHOU Jing-hua lost thir livs in dds w ar awar that thy ar to rpair th powr grid and sacrific is to sacrific th intrsts of th popl! W rspct thm, it is vn mor of a commitmnt to fight th sam snowstorm in th nd!Ladrs prsonally braving snow condolncs to th popl and civilian polic mploys. I still rmmbr that Prim Ministr at th station with a loudspakr calld on all that fram, still rmmbr a photograph that young policwoman carrying a bowl of soup, smiling womn with a spoon fding th hands of th baby; still rmmbr lctrician wr in th towrs, waving th chisl, thn scattrd undr th shadow of bornol; still rmmbr that aftr th rscu, tnts, th soldirs slping fac

The common disaster

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