
更新时间:2025-03-27 13:48:13 高中生作文

my mothr and my dram


My mothr

My mothr is a ordinary womn.Sh is a vry vry ordinary womn,rally.Sh looks lik vry ordinary;hr ag vry ordinary;only hr wars looks lik vry spcial.

My mothr always war a wid casual pants,a T-shirt (or a wid vst),and a pair of sunglasss.Sh always us toiltry,consquntly sh’s skin was vry good.

My mothr is vry bnignant,and sh was vry lov m.I with rgard to ths,I to b thankful.I lov my mothr , too.Bcaus sh gav m vry vry many.Sh civiliz by ducation m how to do in world and knowldg.

My mothr is a offic workrs.Sh vryday works hard,but sh always not to gt hightn.Ha ha~~~~~~~

I lov my mothr , bcaus sh gav m vry many thinks.

I lov my Mum . A ordinary and largnss mothr.

My dram

A dram is to a man what wings ar to a bird. With a dram in th dp hart's cor, a man is spontanously drivn to hitch his wagon to a star. A dram is an inxhaustibl sourc of nrgy that kps our nthusiasm burning, and kindls our dsir to nhanc our spiritual cultivation, rfin our charactr, and upgrad our quality of lif. A lif without a dram is lik a bird with brokn wings, confind to a cag and oblivious of what lis byond th rang of its vision. On th contrary, a man with a dram is lik a warrior armd with ambition, forsight and gallantry, daring to stp into an unknown domain to mak a journy of advntur. It is dram that adds fullnss, varity, and spic to our lif and maks it worth living.

I hav a dram. It is a dram that is dply rootd in human natur. I dram that on day popl of all origins can liv in harmony and pac without bing discriminatd against or prscutd. Th bounty of th arth can b shard by vry singl human bing. Mutual rspct will guarant th xistnc and continuation of th divrsity of customs and culturs. Lov, sympathy, and coopration will allviat th suffrings and disastrs inflictd upon our fllow mn. Rspct for basic human rights will put an nd to social injustics and vils. Whn my dram coms tru, all mn will b truly qual, happy, and fr.



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