
更新时间:2025-03-14 07:53:34 写人

vrybody has som hobbis.


I lik playing soccr, watching TV, listning to music.but fishing is my favorit rlaxation.

I lik fishing not bcaus I lik to at fish but bcaus I njoy th wondrful tim whil I am fishing.

My fathr has a frind namd Huang Chng who livs in th countrysid and owns a big fish pond. H is good at fish-farming. Thr ar many kinds of fish in his fish pond. H can asily support his family with th incom from th fish pond.

Last Sunday was a lovly, sunny day. My fathr drov m to his frinds plac with two nw fishing rods, which h bought not long ago. Th scn was rally bautiful thr in th countrysid. Uncl Huang took us to a vry good plac for fishing and gav us som bait-arth worms. First, I was a littl afraid of th arthworms. Uncl Huang taught m how to us thm. Thn w startd to fish.

My fathr put som fish food into th watr. Soon th part of th watr attractd many fish to gathr thr. As soon as I put th fishhook into th watr, th fish nibbld at th bait. I thought that it ros to th bait. So I raisd th fishing rod, th fish swam away and my fishing lin got ntangld in som wds. What a pity!I was too impatint. I should hav waitd for th fish to snap at th bait for som tim and thn I could catch it.

So from thn on, I bcam vry carful and patint. At last, I caught ight big fish and my fathr caught only thr littl fish. I was so happy with my succss in fishing.Fishing can mak m mor and mor patint and comfidnt!I lov fishing!

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