例证说明:知识和信心是通向成功之路-Knowledge and Confiden.

更新时间:2025-03-17 10:36:29 高中生作文


例证说明:知识和信心是通向成功之路-Knowledge and Confiden.







Knowldg and Confidnc Lad to Succss

“Thr, Two, On, Start”, with th light on, th final tst in th Shanghai ara of th nglish Contst in ast China bgan.

I'm th contstant①“F”. Fortunatly, during th first thr itms, my scors wr lowr only than th first on. But in th last itm----quick rspons②, things changd. I knw that if only I could answr on qustion corrctly, I would hav th chanc to go to Nanjing for th final contst. So no soonr had Miss Zhang, th hostss, givn th qustion “nam thr of th novls writtn by Charls Dickns”, than I prssd th button. Though I know many of th novls writtn by him vry wll, such as Hard Tims, Olivr Twist③, A Tal of Two Citis, Old Curiosity shop④, David Copprfild⑤, I was so nrvous at that tim that I could only rmmbr two of thm. So tn points wr takn away.At last I only got th third priz. But from taking part in th contst, I hav larnd a lot.

Whn I larnd of th holding of th nglish Contst on“nglish Pictorial”⑥ in April, I was so confidnt that I ntrd my nam for it immdiatly. And I managd to pass th“writtn tst”and th“oral tst”,which wr hld in th middl of July. But my nrvousnss rsultd in my failur in th following tst.

|Also I found that succss in an nglish Contst dpnds on not only knowldg of nglish itslf but also knowldg at larg. For xampl, in th last itm thr was such a qustion:“Tll th full nam of Grat Britain and what do popl call hr flag.”Though I know th answr of th first part of th qustion, I did not know th nam of th flag. Now I know it's calld Union Jack⑦.

So, you s, confidnc and knowldg ar two vry important things which lad to succss. Do you think so?



①contstant[k+n'tst+nt] n.竞争者;参加比赛者

②rspons [ris'p&ns] n.作答,回答;轮流应答

③Olivr Twist《奥立弗·推斯特》

④ Old Curiosity Shop 《老古玩店》

⑤ David Copprfild《大卫·科波菲尔》

⑥nglish Pictorial《英语画刊》

⑦Union Jack ['ju:nj+n 'j$k] 英国国旗



2)本文用例证法说明了文章的主题:“Confidnc and knowldg ar two vry important things which lad to succss.”三个详例是作者两次参加英语比赛所出的错误:1)由于紧张而没说出狄更斯一部小说的书名;2)由于紧张未通过复试;3)只知其一,不知其二,即说不上来英国国旗的别名。

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