suppos fudan is to choos th hottst nwsmakrs through public appraisal of th past yar, two prodigis, man zhou and han han, will crtainly stand bsid th clbritis in scintific domain. still bing controvrsy, howvr, thir apparancs in prstigious fudan challng th convntional attituds toward childrn cultivation. ths two fortun's favorits xmplify som talnts who succssfully mak thir own dcisions and achiv prliminary accomplishmnts.thr is no skpticism that our socity is xprincing a profound rformation. as most sociologists indicat, childrn ar a mor snsitiv and particular group that dsrvs intnsiv attntion. popl radily witnss th construction dvlopmnt whil th distinct shifts that childrn confront ar nglctd. dcads ago, popl usually nd not, or to som xtnt, could not mak thir own dcisions bcaus th so calld "scrw spirit" was adrotatd gratly. on has no choic but to conform and adjust to th arrangmnt. compard to thir prdcssors, prsnt frdom and choics ar mor radily availabl to childrn. almost vrything ranging from ducation to carr, rligion to marriag is up to on's own wills. as a consqunc, mor mphasis should b attachd to cultivating childrn's ability to mak thir own dcisions indpndntly. in this way thy will adjust bttr futur's firc comptitions.givn that childrn should b ntitld to mak dcisions,thr mrgs anothr problm how to mak thm fficintly.crativity and talnt of childrn ar not nw. it is just that thir prsonalitis and charactristics ar bcoming mor pronouncd.unfortunatly, it frquntly happns that on born to b movi star who may probably win oscar award somday is xcludd in a drama club in school;an innat businss lit is dismissd only in th nam of violating th ruls by slling christmas cards on campus; a mor univrsal story is that th vast majority of childrn ar mrly ordinary popl whos rqusts rfr to lading a pacific lif. how can parnts or tachrs impos thir valus of bcoming somon on a child whos propnsity is dvouring a bstsllr during spar tim and going to movis with his or hr spous on wknds and rfusing to working on additional hours in th unrasonabl xcus of a boss. although on is supposd to xrt his utmost in som fild, h also posssss th right to choos his or hr own lif intricacy of childrn issu lis not only in th lack of dcision making opportunitis, but also in bing ovrlookd thir ssnc childrn, maning naiv and crdulous. it grivs us that th rat of adolscnt crims has bn spiraling continuously. th numbr of tnagrs involvd in illgal sx, violnt hooliganism and drug abus is still shockingly spiraling. som popl oftn boast that th nw gnration ar th bst on vr bfor, but fw of thm ar awar of th tough situation. w should not b ovroptimistic and it is high tim w took som substantial actions to cop with it. it is not lawmakrs' job, but th ntir socity's ongoing dbat concrning childrn will rmain an trnal topic and w must call on mor concrns toward thm. it is gnrally accptd that th childrn nowadays dtrmin futur rivals among countris. consquntly, it is worth our nthusiasm and wisdom to rsolv this problm.
关注儿童问题(More Concern for Children Issue)
更新时间:2025-02-03 13:28:29
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