Thr is a nw markt nar my hous. My mothr oftn gos thr and buys what w nd for our mals. But I had nvr bn thr bfor. Ystrday I wnt to th markt with my mothr. Thr wr so many popl that w could hardly mak our way out of th crowds. Thr wr all kinds of vgtabls, fish and fruit vrywhr. Popl wr talking about th goods and th prics. Th sllrs shouts could b hard vry now and thn. I rmmbrd that th day bfor I had askd Mothr to buy som frsh fish. Most of th fish thr was frozn, but w had not much troubl in finding som frsh fish at th othr part of th markt. My mothr bought somthing ls as wll. It was my first tim to go to th markt, and I was dply imprssd by what I saw in th markt.
A New Market
更新时间:2024-11-29 18:35:02
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