To forgiv may b divin, but no on vr said it was asy. Whn somon has dply hurt you, it can b xtrmly difficult to lt go of your grudg. But forgivnss is possibl -- and it can b surprisingly bnficial to your physical and mntal halth.
Popl who forgiv show lss dprssion, angr and strss and mor hopfulnss, says Frdric, Ph.D., author of Forgiv for Good. So it can hlp sav on th war and tar on our organs, rduc th waring out of th immun systm and allow popl to fl mor vital.
So how do you start th haling? Try following ths stps:
Calm yourslf. To dfus your angr, try a simpl strss-managmnt tchniqu. Tak a coupl of braths and think of somthing that givs you plasur: a bautiful scn in natur, somon you lov, Frdric says.
Don't wait for an apology. Many tims th prson who hurt you has no intntion of apologizing, Frdric says. Thy may hav wantd to hurt you or thy just don't s things th sam way. So if you wait for popl to apologiz, you could b waiting an awfully long tim. Kp in mind that forgivnss dos not ncssarily man rconciliation with th prson who upst you or condoning of his or hr action.
Tak th control away from your offndr. Mntally rplaying your hurt givs powr to th prson who causd you pain. Instad of focusing on your woundd flings, larn to look for th lov, bauty and kindnss around you, Frdric says.
Try to s things from th othr prson's prspctiv. If you mpathiz with that prson, you may raliz that h or sh was acting out of ignoranc, far -- vn lov. To gain prspctiv, you may want to writ a lttr to yourslf from your offndr's point of viw.
Rcogniz th bnfits of forgivnss. Rsarch has shown that popl who forgiv rport mor nrgy, bttr apptit and bttr slp pattrns.
Don't forgt to forgiv yourslf. For som popl, forgiving thmslvs is th biggst challng, Frdric says. But it can rob you of your slf-confidnc if you don't do it.
《宽恕的好处》一书的作者弗雷德里克博士说。 “懂得宽恕的人不会感到那么沮丧、愤怒和紧张,他们总是充满希望。所以宽恕有助于减少人体各种器官的损耗,降低免疫系统的疲劳程度并使人精力更加充沛。”