我的弟弟(My youngr Brothr)i rmmbr my brothr as a swt baby, bringing much fun and dlight to th family with his plasant gabbls of nonsns. h was a vry likabl chubby littl thing, always on his ft climbing up and down, chasing aftr inscts, birds, and m.i do not rcall him vr having any whit cloths sinc h startd school. h was xtrmly untidy, h usd to com hom with a fac of smudgs, an inkspattrd shirt, a pair of dirt-bdraggld pants.h did not car much for rady-mad toys, and was vry anxious to brak thm into bits, to satisfy his childish curiosity. but h trasurd his sll-mad toys, such as th slingshots which h usd to brak th glasss on th windows, and had rcivdpunishmnts tim and tim again."我的弟弟"英语作文译文:我记得我的弟弟还是一个可爱的小孩时,就以他那讨人喜欢的无意识的胡谈,给家人带来许多乐趣。他是个胖乎乎的逗人喜欢的小家伙,他的脚不停地爬上爬下,追逐昆虫、鸟和我。我不记得自他入学校后,有哪件衣服是干净的。他非常地不整洁。回家时,他常常是脸上满是污点,衬衣上沾满墨水渍,裤子上全是尘土。他不太喜爱现成的玩具,而是急于将它们一片片拆开,来满足他童稚的好奇心。不过,他很珍爱他自己制造的玩具,如他常常用来射击窗门上玻璃的弹弓,为此他曾受到过多次责罚。
我的弟弟(My younger Brother)
更新时间:2025-01-30 04:33:28
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