How to face emotins

更新时间:2025-03-17 06:56:18 高中生作文

Th biggst diffrnc btwn animals and human is that human can think. So w hav motions.

How to face emotins

Lov,hatrd and grif ar motions.I was an motional boy sinc I was young.I lov to watch th dark sky,th moon and th stars.Thy always mak m think about th futur and bautiful drams.Thinking about motions lt m not only fl th happinss,but also th pains. So I lik motions.

I’m not vry patint with my parnts at hom, somtims vn b stubborn. As I’m growing up, w ar bcoming mor and mor misundrstanding. I don’t know how to fac thir lov.

Also I’m a littl timid. I don’t lik to talk with othrs long bfor. Mayb I workd so hard in study that I had littl tim to hav such a kind of motion calld frindship, whthr at school or in th socity.

Th rlationship and motions btwn boys and girls is unclar. W ar told to b carful of this. So a girl sldom talks to a boy at school. I had th sam situation in Junior Grad 1.But aftr on yar’s tim, w knw ach othr bttr and talkd mor. Thn I found that vryon in my class had a kind hart and was frindly to othrs. Whn I was in Grad Thr, a nic girl suddnly appard in my mind .Thn I had a nicr and nicr xprssion of hr. As vryon thought, I fll in lov with hr. Mayb this is rally a spcial kind of motion, it maks th distanc btwn us much longr and this fling lasts now. I vn don’t know how I lov hr, or I don’t lov hr at all. But I know I can’t forgt hr. Now sh’s in No.2 Middl School .I rally don’t know how to dal with th motion….

Thn how to dal with thos motions?

As an motional boy, I’v thought of this for quit a long tim .And I hav found ths idas:

Th first on, just b silnt and away from othrs. Though this sounds trribl, it’s rally a good way to study bttr. But nobody can liv in th world all by himslf. W should gt to know othrs. I can’t imagin what I’ll b lik if I kp silnt.

Th scond on, to hlp thm whn thy’r in troubl and thn gt to know thm bttr mayb is rally a nic way. vryon nds hlp and lov. I think hlping othrs mans a lot.Gradually, I had a grat and nic dram: mak vryon happy. This hlps m much.

W ar living to larn and know. W shall work hard only to solv svral motions.

I hav a third ida. I think it’s th bst on. To fac motions, just to accpt thm and gt hlp from thm.

Mayb larg numbrs of studnts arn’t intrstd in studying bcaus childrn ar always fond of playing. So w should hav a goal and a kind of powr for studying: for succss, for living bttr, for bing happir, for whom w lov and who lov us or….Many goals can b our powr. But thr ar still a fw goals that can’t b ,such as for playing gams, for bing commanding and dfiant to othrs, for puppy lov and so on. If w hav a nic and propr goal—a kind of powr, w’ll hav nthusiasm to do things. Thn w’ll do things mor xcllntly.

So fac motions, just try to fl and us thm!

标签: 保护 沱江 内江 一小 年级
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