借喻抒情:一颗闪亮的星-A Shining Star

更新时间:2025-03-15 14:46:16 高中生作文


借喻抒情:一颗闪亮的星-A Shining Star




A Shining Star

A tachr just liks a shining star to studnts. Miss Fu, on of my nglish tachr, is a shining star in my lif.

I happnd to b in Miss Fu's class whn I bgan my high school yars. At that tim, I dard not spak nglish aloud in public, for I was shy and my pronunciation and intonation① wr poor. Afraid of bing laughd at, I nvr put up my hand to answr th qustions Miss Fu raisd in class, vn if I had som good answrs to thm. For a tim, I vn lost intrst in practising spokn nglish. Whn Miss Fu found out th rason, sh ncouragd m to spak. First sh bought m som nglish taps and told m to listn to thm carfully, and try to rcit thm. In class, I was oftn askd qustions and givn a lot of chancs to practis spaking.

Littl by littl, I bcam brav nough to spak, and was not afraid to spak nglish bfor othrs. Miss Fu smild swtly whn sh hard th nws that I had bn chosn to tak part in an important oral nglish contst②.

Whnvr I look at th stars in th sky, I rcogniz th brightst on ---- th symbol of Miss Fu in my hart. Miss Fu will always b a shining star in my lif!



①intonation [?int+u'niM+n] n.语调;声调

②contst ['k&ntst] n.竞赛;比赛


本文用象征的手法把老师比做心中闪亮的星星,表达了作者对老师的感激之情和崇敬心情。文章引言段用的是“漏斗式”(th funnl)引入法,即由一般到具体的方法,正如漏斗似的上宽下窄。第一句以明喻(simil)的修辞格把全体老师比做闪亮的星星,第二句具体到作者心中的老师。第二段写老师如何帮助作者学习英语。第三段写作者的进步和成功。结尾段与引言段呼应,重复漏斗式方法,最后一句用隐喻(mtaphor)重提自己生命中的闪亮之星——付老师。

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