My Favorite Pet,My Favorite Pet范文

更新时间:2025-03-15 21:00:24 初中生作文

My Favorit Pt,My Favorit Pt范文My Favorit Pt My Favorit Pt

My Favorite Pet,My Favorite Pet范文

I hav a dog. H is my favorit pt. H is vry lovly. His nam is Ptr and h is two yars old. His fur is long and whit. H has big black ys. His nos is vry good. H can smll vry wll. H is quit small. H wighs about two kilograms. Ptr’s favorit food is mat. H also liks bons.

Ptr is vry frindly. I fd him vry day. H nvr barks or bits. Ptr liks lots of xrcis. It is ncssary to walk th dog in th park vry day if you want it to b halthy. So I play with him vry day in th park. Ptr liks to run in th park. H oftn chass cats and birds. It is vry intrsting. Ptr can find th way back asily. I think h is th clvrst animal of all.

I lik my dog and h lovs m too. H is vry halthy. All my family lik him. W look aftr him vry carfully. I’ll mak a small and lovly hous for him. I think h will b happy to liv thr. Do you lik my dog?

My Favorit Pt

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