英语作文:my pts .my pts•现在,越来越多的人拥有宠物,比如,狗,猫,兔子,鱼等,动物已经成了我们的好朋友,他们为人们带来了很多的乐趣,你们家有宠物吗?谈谈你的看法词汇:•1.N. pt, dog, cat, fish, fathr, nos, fur, playmat, frind•2. V. bark, kp pts, tak tim, cost mony, bring troubls, bring a lot of fun, run, fd on, rlax, play with sb•3. Adj. Lovly, nuaghty, small, whit, funny•句式:•1. Today mor and mor popl hav kpt animals for pts. •2. vn though kping a pt taks tim and costs mony,I think pts will bring us a lot of fun.3.It is tru to say dogs ar man’s bst frinds•4. His two ys ar just lik two big lamps both big and bright•5. His noss ar lik a button nxt to th ys.•6. What a lovly dog!•.7.It is ncssary for a child to hav a pt to play with bcaus thy ar lonly somtims.•8.I lik to play with my pt aftr I finish my homwork•9. I oftn tak a walk with my pt aftr suppr.•10.Whn I am unhappy, I lik to talk with my dags范文•Today mor and mor popl kp animals for pts, lik dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, fish, and so on. Som popl think that animals oftn mak rooms dirty and smlly. vn though kping a pt taks tim and costs mony. I think pts will bring us a lot of fun.•Thr yars ago my uncl gav m a dog, a naughty dog. I likd it vry much. Th dog was about on yar old. I calld him TaoTao. His two ys ar just lik big lamps, both big and bright. H has long and whit hair which maks him look lik a whit ball. His nos is lik a button nxt to th ys. H has a cut look. Whn w hav mal h looks at us and barks at us. H sms to say:” why don’t you giv m somthing to at?”•What a lovly dog! I lik it vry much!
my pets
更新时间:2025-03-17 14:01:34
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