一次郊游-A Trip,一次郊游-A Trip范文

更新时间:2025-03-14 19:01:29 初中生作文

一次郊游-A Trip,一次郊游-A Trip范文一次郊游-A Trip

一次郊游-A Trip,一次郊游-A Trip范文

I wnt to Xiang Shan Park to climb th hill with my frinds last wintr. It was a good trip at th bginning, but somthing unxpctd happnd on th half way. On of my frinds got a stomachach and couldn't mov any longr. On girl trid to phon hr mothr with hr mobil phon, but thr was no signal in th mountain ara. Luckily, on of us took som mdicin for th trip. W askd him to hav a rst by th sid of th path.Somon took som mdicin and lt him hav it. Thn h drank som watr. Aftr a whil h flt much bttr and w walkd on.W all njoyd ourslvs at th top of th mountain. 去年冬天,我与朋友们去香山公园爬山。开始的时候非常顺利。走到半山腰时,发生了一件意想不到的事情。一位同学突然胃痛得难以前行。一个女生想给她妈妈打电话,但山上没有信号。幸亏有人带着药。我们让他在路边休息,给他吃了点儿药。后来他喝了水,感觉好多了,我们又继续爬山。在山顶我们都玩得很愉快。 It was vry cold and windy, but w still got togthr at th gat of Xiang Shan Park. Thn my frinds and I walkd toward th top of th mountain. Som boys walkd so fast that girls couldn't kp up with thm. vryon was happy and xcitd. Suddnly, thr was somthing wrong with a girl. Sh got a bad stomachach and couldn't walk any mor. What should w do?W don't know whr th hospital was. And nobody took mdicin with him. Thr was only on thing to do that was to lt hr hav a rst by a tr. Just thn on of my frinds said, "Prss th sinus btwn thumb and indx fingr." Aftr a whil sh flt OK. How grat th "doctor" Was! W chrd. So w could walk on. 天气很冷还刮着风,但我们仍然相约在香山公园门口。我们向山顶进发。男生爬得快,女生都追不上了。大家都非常愉快、兴奋。突然一个女生胃痛得厉害,无法继续走了。怎么办?我们既不知道医院在哪里,也没有带药。唯一能做的事是让她靠着树休息一会儿。就在那时,一个朋友说:“按着她拇指和食指中间的穴位”。过了一会儿,她觉得好多了。我们都欢呼起来:这个“医生”太了不起了!于是我们继续向山顶进发。 一次郊游-A Trip

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