in th past's 60 ag middl of th month, China on was rising stp by stp, this was th China childrn xpctd, was also worth dancing with joy. From th founding of th nation th first day, th many unfrindly countris intrnationally is bing hostil toward China, dos vrything possibl to hindr China to progrss. th US was th biggst thrat which China dvlopd, th Koran War which, th Vitnam War th US startd causs our country has suffrd th havy loss in th manpowr and th financial rsourc aspct; Th US supports Chiang Kai-Shk countr-attacks th mainland motion to caus our country coast not to b pacful for a long tim; Prsnt's US still in did vrything possibl to supprss China, lik did not acknowldg that China markt conomy status, gsticulats, forc Rnminbi rvaluation in th Taiwan problm and so on, zai wilai di rgan nian zhong, th US will still b China's nmis, is th forvr troubl makrW blivd that in th Chins nation grat rjuvnation's journy, will crtainly to appar for on anothr magnificnt 30 yars! Chins nation's rising, will crtainly to lt th world b proud for us!
更新时间:2025-01-14 20:06:59