Th thm of xpo 2010 is Bttr City, Bttr Lif.
Why do w st this thm?
Th cor valu can b intrprtd as following: Th City, built by popl, has bn volving and growing into an organic systm. Popl ar th most dynamic clls with th bst ability to innovatin this systm. Popls lif is closly intractiv with th urban morphology and dvlopmnt.
With th rapd urbanization, a mor xtnsiv rlationship and intraction has bn stablishd btwn th city organic systm and arths biosphr and rsourc systm. Popl, city and arth ar just lik thr organic systms linking with ach othr and fusing into th intgrity
throughout th whol procss of urban dvlopmnt.
For furthr rflct of th thm Bttr City, Bttr Lif, fiv sub-thms ar dfind;thy ar Blnding of Divrs Culturs in th City,conomic Prosprity of th City,Innovation of Scinc and Tchnology in th City, Rmodling of Urban Communitis, and Rural-urban Intraction.