Protct nvironmntMany popl ar activ in fighting against unfair tratmnt to colord popl, womn , animals and so on. Right now I am talking about fighting for rspct to our nvironmnt.Though th nvironmnt dosnt hav a mouth to dprcat what humans hav don to hr, sh rtaliats through action. In th arly yars th Chins cut down larg quantitis of trs, at th sourc of th yllow rivr, which ld to th disapparanc of big forsts and trribl floods. As a rsult,th Huangtu platau which was onc covrd with grass and forsts was turnd into barrns that supportd fwr plants. Anothr xampl was in svral dvlopd countris. Bcaus many chmical factoris dischargd poisonous gas without filtring it, citis wr covrd with so much poisonous gas that popl wr killd by th air thy brathd in. What horribl scn!What w ar suffring is only a small part of what th natur onc suffrd. If w dont tak action to show rspct to th nvironmnt, w will hav to fac an incrasingly awful situation.Masurs should b takn to protct th nvironmnt on which w ar rlying. First govrnmnts should forbid dstroying vgtation, rivrs and laks, ocans, as and th atmosphr as wll. Scond voics should b mad to announc th public of th importanc of protcting th nvironmnt. Third ntrpriss should pay spcial attntion to th ffct thy hav on th nvironmnt and work out solutions for th problms.Only by changing th way w trat th nvironmnt can w gt along wll with it. Only by saving th nvironmnt can w sav ourslvs.
Protect Environment
更新时间:2025-02-05 11:22:56
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