我们太累了-We Are Too Tired,我们太累了-We Are Too Tired范文

更新时间:2025-03-07 10:45:47 初中生作文

我们太累了-W Ar Too Tird,我们太累了-W Ar Too Tird范文我们太累了-W Ar Too Tird 英语作文网为您收集 现在的学生越来越苦了。我们总是有学不完的东西。有时我们真的是无法忍受了。我们是学生,我们也是人,我们需要一些空闲时间玩耍和休息。可是现在我们有那么多的课程,那么多作业,我们哪有时间做别的呀?昨天,我的一个同学告诉我前一天晚上他花了四个小时写作业,直到半夜才睡觉。我们跟他有着相同的经历。我们的负担太重了,我们太累了。休息不好甚至使我们在上课时无法集中注意力听讲。 It's hardr and hardr to b a studnt now. W always hav lots of things to study. Somtims w just can't stand it. W ar studnts, but w ar human also. W want som spar tim to play and rlax. But now how can w do that with so many classs and so much homwork? Ystrday,on of my classmats told m that h spnt four hours in th night on his homwork. H couldn't go to slp until midnight. W hav th sam xprinc as h dos. Th burdn is too havy for us. W ar too tird. W can't vn pay attntion to what th tachr says in th class. 我们太累了-W Ar Too Tird 英语作文网为您收集

我们太累了-We Are Too Tired,我们太累了-We Are Too Tired范文

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