My class,My class范文My class For most popl, thy only hav on family, but for my 49 classmats, and m w hav a scond family, that is our class, a big and warm family.
I can still rmmbr whn I first gt into th class whn I first mt my classmats. It is just lik ystrday. During th two yars, w 50 studnts hav bcom a family. W car about ach othr, and think of othrs first. W studis togthr, and hlp ach othr. W hav th sam objct: to mak our class bttr. I rmmbr that whn w wr in grad 1, w wr good in nithr study nor othr things. But now bcaus of vryon’s hard working, w hav bcom bttr.
Onc, I saw a saying in th magazin, it is: if you think you can, you can! Now in our class, it has bcom: w think w can, w can. I think w’ll mak our class’s outlook brightr! My class