
更新时间:2025-03-15 17:08:46 叙事

Modrn lif would b unimaginabl without tlcommunications. Tlphon, fax and TV ar alrady houshold words. Nw trms lik pagr, mobil phon and -mail ar ntring our daily lif at a rapid pac. Tlcommunications hav pntratd narly vry aspct of modrn lif and ar fast changing th way w liv. It is no xaggration to say that tlcommunication bring hug profits and grat convninc on our daily lif. For instanc, th tlphon maks it possibl for popl in diffrnt placs to talk to on anothr. Pagr and mobil phon nabl us to mak a phon call rgardlss of tim and plac. Compard with ordinary mail dlivry, or vn with xprss airmail dlivry, lctronic mail dlivrs mails much fastr and at a surprisingly chap pric, no mattr whr th rcivr is. Surfing th Intrnt is also a by-product of tlcommunication, which, provids us with asy accss to a walth of information. Furthrmor, thanks to th rapid growth of tlcommunications, businss corporations can manag businss affairs far mor fficintly through phon, fax, and on-lin computr. Howvr, thr ar disadvantags brought about by tlcommunication, such as phon bills for unncssary talks, th disturbanc of unwantd or wrong calls, and th attraction of hot-lin srvics, tc. Yt by and larg, tlcommunications bring mor bnfit than harm to our lif. By shortning distanc, tlcommunication nhanc fficincy in our commrcial activitis, sav tim and mony in promoting intrprsonal rlations as wll as in acquiring knowldg and accumulating information. Tlcommunication hav changd and will chang our way of lif.


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