Frindship Frinds play an important part in our livs,and although w may tak frindship for grantd,w oftn don't clarly undrstand how w mak frinds.Whil w gt on wll with a numbr of popl,w ar usually frinds with only a vry fw----for xampl,th avrag among studnts is about 6 pr prson.In all th cass of frindly rlationships,two popl lik on anothr and njoy bing togthr.but byond that,th dgr of intimacy btwn thm and th rasons for th shard intrsts vary normously.As w gt to know popl w tak into account things lik ag,rac ,conomic conditions,social position,and intllignc.Although ths factors ar not of prim importanc,it is mor difficult to gt on with popl whn thr is a markd diffrnc in ag and background.
Som frindly rlationships can b kpt on argumnt and discussion,but it is usual for clos frinds to hav similar idas and blifs,to hav attituds and intrsts in commn ---thy oftn talk about "bing on th sam wavlngth ".it gnrally taks tim to rach this point.And th mor intimatly involvd popl bcom,th mor thy rly on on anothr .popl want to do frinds favours and hat to brak a promis.qually,frinds hav to larn to put up with annoying habits and try to tolrat diffrncsof opinion.
In contrast with marriag ,thr ar no frindship crmonis to strngthn th association btwn two prsons.But th supporting and undrstanding of ach othr that rsults from shard xprincs and motions dos sm to crat a powrful bond ,which can ovrcom diffrncs in background ,and brak down barrirs of ag, class or rac. Frindship