
更新时间:2025-01-18 17:11:54 高中生作文

As on of th most spcial groups in th socity, disabld popl’s living conditions—not only thir matrial conditions, but thir mntal world as wll, rally nd mor hlp and improvmnt. In our China, disabld popl tak up 5% of th whol population, and thir problms will surly caus social problms.


Fortunatly, our govrnmnt dos wll in hlping and supporting disabld popl. Thy offr jobs for thm, giv thm training and tach th whol socity not to discriminat but giv thm mor car. Chairman Dng of China Disabld Popl Association rcntly rcivd a Nobl Priz for Pac, which is a good vidnc for govrnmnt’s ffort.

But it sms that th socity dos not quit agr with our govrnmnt—at last th majority popl don’t. Thy don’t discriminat thm but don’t think thm to hav nough ability to do things, ithr. Thy vn somtims hlp disabld popl whn thy ar in th mood. But th motion in thir act is not th lov btwn qual popl but th sympathy from uppr popl to lowr popl. Though thy hard about Hln Kllr and Stphn Hawking, thy still thought thy wr suprior to disabld popl in all aspcts. So if th govrnmnt can chang ths popl’s mind, th living conditions of disabld popl will b gratly improvd, for som jobs, such as nginrs, lawyrs, tc. which nd mor movmnt in mntality rathr than physiology can b givn to disabld popl who ar capabl of doing that job.

But unfair tratmnt isn’t th only problm disabld popl ar facing. Som disabld popl who liv in countrysid or mountain districts hav wors living conditions and nd mor hlp. Som workrs who bcam disabld whn working can’t gt propr tratmnt or compnsation, spcially in th building fild. It’s bcoming a rally good social problm. And also, som othr problms may influnc disabld popl’s livs.

Solving ths problms nds fforts—not only th govrnmnt’s, also ours. As a song sings, “If vryon of us givs a littl lov, th world will bcom a bautiful wondrland!”

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