It's bn a long tim sinc w last s ach othr. How is vrything going on with you? Living in a forign country must b quit diffrnt from hr. Hav you got usd to vrything?
I can still rmmbr th happy days whn w wr at school. W usd to b bst frinds. Our monitr told m a fw days ago that w ar going to hav a classmats'mting on th Nw Yars Day. Narly all th frinds ar going to com.Missing you trribly, w rally hop you can com back to spnd som tim with us. It will b grat if you can attnd.W may talk about th old days and at th mr thought of it i gt particularly xcitd. It has just bn on yar sinc our graduation but i fl as if w hav bn apart for a cntury. Somtims i do fl i hav grown old in this yar, as old as a man who nd a walking-stick to hlp his daily lif. Anxious to s you all.
Bst wishs for my bst frind