我的鱼哪去了-Where Is My Flsh?,我的鱼哪去了-Where Is My Flsh

更新时间:2025-03-28 03:52:47 初中生作文

我的鱼哪去了-Whr Is My Flsh?,我的鱼哪去了-Whr Is My Flsh我的鱼哪去了-Whr Is My Flsh?

我的鱼哪去了-Where Is My Flsh?,我的鱼哪去了-Where Is My Flsh

Bob liks ating fish vry much. On day his wif bought a fish and took it hom. Whn h saw th fish, h was vry happy,"Good! W can hav th fish for dinnr." Whn Bob cam back

hom in th vning, h found no fish at all. His wif said, "Oh,th fish was atn up by th cat." And sh gav Bob som brad for suppr. Bob was angry. H took th cat and his wif to th shop narby and wighd th cat. Thn h said to his wif, "It is on kilo and th fish is also on kilo. Th cat is hr. But whr is my fish?" 鲍勃特别爱吃鱼。有一天,他妻子买回家一条鱼。他看见鱼后,非常高兴,“太好了,我们晚饭有鱼吃了。”当鲍勃晚上回家后,他根本就没看见鱼,只有几片面包。他妻子告诉他鱼被猫吃光了。鲍勃很生气,拎上猫,带上妻子去了附近的一家商店,打算称一称猫。 “这只猫一公斤重,鱼也一公斤。现在猫在这儿,我的鱼哪儿去了?” Bob and his family njoy ating fish. His wif told him thy would hav fish for suppr. Bob was vry happy. Aftr work h hurrid to his hom and xpctd to hav th fish. To his surpris, h found no fish on th tabl. How disappointd h was!His wif said to him rgrtfully, "As soon as I turnd round, th cat got th fish away through th Window and at it up. Hr is som brad for you." Bob was angry and took th cat to wigh."A kilo cat adds a kilo fish, w should hav two kilos. But now w only hav a kilo cat. Whr is my fish?" 鲍勃一家都喜欢吃鱼。一天鲍勃的妻子告诉他晚饭有鱼吃,鲍勃非常高兴。下班以后他匆匆赶回家,盼望着赶快吃晚饭。使他感到惊讶的是桌上并没有鱼,他是多么失望呀!鲍勃的妻子遗憾地告诉他,她刚一转身,那只猫钻过窗户就把鱼叼跑了,吃光了,他只能吃面包了。鲍勃生气得很,拎起那只猫去称。“一公斤的猫加一公斤的鱼应该是两公斤。这只有一公斤猫,我的鱼哪里去了?” 我的鱼哪去了-Whr Is My Flsh?

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