Perfect Dream Harry Potter

更新时间:2025-03-16 22:42:53 写人

Do you know Harry Pottr? If you dont, thn you ar out of dat. Many popl lov Harry Pottr, whthr childrn or adults. I lov Harry Pottr, too. Last wk, I wnt to Nantong to s th movi Harry Pottr and th Goblt of Fir.

Perfect Dream Harry Potter

It was a wondrful movi. In th movi, Harry is th sam ag as us and h is mor handsom than m. Harrys bst frinds ar Hrmion and Ron. Th movi tlls th story of Harrys Fourth Yar at Hogwarts. Th Goblt of Fiv slcts him to compt as on of four champions in th Throwizard Tournamnt, dspit th fact that h didnt submit his nam. Th Tournamnt is vry dangrous so his frinds ar all worrid about him. Hrmion and Ron try thir bst to hlp Harry to prpar for ach task. I think thir frindship is unbrakabl. Cho Chang, who Harry liks, is a Chins prtty girl. I likd hr but I likd Hrmion bttr bcaus sh is vry clvr.

Its vry magical! I lov magic as much as Harry dos. If I livd in a magic world, I could pick up gigantic things asily, I could go to whrvr I likd and I could fly on a broom, I could chang my hairstyl of any tim, I could.

Its a prfct world and its a prfct dram.

标签: 家乡 四季 景色
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