Road Safety

更新时间:2025-02-28 14:10:14 写人

To cross th road, look around. Not on th road to play and run. S th rd light to stop for a whil. His trip to s th grn light. This is for tachrs and parnts oftn told us, w oftn back, and w should not only talk about this sntnc, it still dply rcordd in th harts of safty in th first plac, so that accidnts may bcoming lss and lss of. Lt us surroundd in a saf happy and halthy growth, th construction of our hom mor bautiful!

Road Safety

Allow th possibility of traffic accidnts hav bcom lss and lss, it is ncssary to known ruls of th road, hr I am giving you som ruls of th road you:

1. Cyclists should follow th right sid of bik paths.

2. Should follow th sidwalk to cross th road (or bridg, th undrground passag);

3. Whn th rd light to stop, s th grn light bfor.

4. Tak th bus aftr th first, not to ach othr, do not逼抢bit crowdd.

5. Within walking on th sidwalk, thr is no sidwalk to walk on th roadsid.

6. It should b notd, whn w ar walking vhicls ar not allowd to chas,猛跑.

7. Ar not allowd in th vhicl suddnly crossd nar.

8. Not b allowd to pass through, to sit upon th sidwalk, roadway and railroad crossing guard-rails.

9. Ar not allowd to hold cars on th road to rcovr th vhicl, forcd parabolic拦车and hit cars.

10. Pr-school childrn in th strt or walk on th road, thr must b ld by adults.

11. Allowd th railings across th road.

Ths ar our common lif should b in complianc with th ruls of th road, w would also lik to promot in th class column on th column or xhibition, multi-past a numbr of complianc with th ruls of th road, not rd light running and othr words lik a warning so that studnts bttr undrstand th traffic safty importanc. School can also b invitd to th polic his uncl, th door to th studnts on th traffic class, so studnts know bttr to hlp th traffic of human bings ... ...

Scurity rlatd to our lif, w hop parnts, th flowr is th futur of th mothrland, th mothrland’s futur, w nd to, and so w must mak to comply with traffic rgulations, protct our livs, but also to th safty of othrs. Lt us follow traffic safty, to minimiz traffic accidnts, so traffic will nvr disappar. This is th call of th tims!

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