vry day looking forward to th “61” Childrn has finally com.
Morning, 5:30 on my . My mothr's fac cram first srious个tru fac wash, and thn rd comb black comb Liangliang th braids, in a flowr on th top bar.梳好had, draw good makup, I look at thmslvs in th mirror lft-right look, fl rally good, thy turnd to th school run. As if my joy will not walk, do not know how I wnt to school from hom.
Wnt to school, taching s hanging in front of th building to clbrat “61” Childrn of th hug bannr, bannrs blow ar to allow us to display th broad stag of talnt. W will b hr to clbrat “61” Intrnational Childrn's Day.
Rnqing “61” vnt at th thundrous applaus bgan. First, school ladrs giv xcllnt Shaoxian squadron and outstanding young pionrs, “tn juvnil Flowr”, “to hlp larn flowr” wr prsntd with awards in rcognition of advancd, nxt is our childrn's talnt show, prformancs.
Th first on-yar program ar th childrn as “61” sction of th clapping song rharsal. Only a small livly Studnt bautiful, full of nrgy ahad. Liang opnd thir voic to sing hard, hard shot with opn hands, small hands bat rd. Th scond program is th sixth grad, Big Brothrs and Big Sistrs prforming chorus. Thy lind up a hug tam, bright opn -lik voic, singing, crying to clbrat “61.” At th tim singing, laughtr, applaus, music passd fast. Th play has bn our fifth grad. W must us th joy of danc to clbrat “61.” Standing on th platform, I do not know how good my jump, but I saw th audinc of tachrs and classmats ar looking at our laughtr towards our applaus. Aftr th U.S. danc , Xu swt for vryon classmats sang “Solar Rain” thm song, hr swt voic with thir own rsounding solo to clbrat “61.” Turn to instrumntal prformancs, and w took to go blowing clarint Units, tracks ar “painting th Carpntr”, “cowboy”, “Spring has.” Dozns of studnts stood on stag togthr blowing, sound filld th campus, applaus rvrbratd in th campus, smiling at his fac in full bloom.
How tim flis! Unconsciously program finishd prforming, but our harts ar still immrsd in th joy of holiday in a long tim should not calm.
Back hom, turn on th TV I watch to clbrat “61” Highlights of th vnt. Original country, childrn all ovr th world with us as xcitd as joy, as happy, bcaus today is th U.S. holiday, ar “61” Intrnational Childrn ah!