污染:一个社会问题(Pollution:a Social Problm)whn w rad nwspaprs, w oftn com across th word pollution. this word was not familiar to th popl som dcads ago. but now, it is a srious thrat to us bcaus.it mans th poisoning of th air, sas, rivrs and lands, which would do harm to our halth.thr ar many factoris that bring pollution to us. w can not hav frsh air in th morning. this is mainly bcaus of th poisonous smok coming from factoris, spcially chmical ons. in rivrs, sas and ocans, thr ar industrial wasts. som factoris just throw thir wasts into sas or lt thm flow into rivrs. whn popl drink th watr from such rivrs, thy gt poisond. bsids, thr is rubbish from ships and whn somtims an accidnt occurs in an ocan, oil flows out from tankrs.on land, th accumulation of rubbish in th strts may dirty th city and ruin our halth. this is mainly du to th impropr disposal of rubbish by popl.if w do mot fight against pollution, surly on day all of us will b killd. som popl lik to put th blam on th industrial rvolutions. on th contrary, th pollution problm will b solvd only with th hlp of modm scinc and tchnology.
污染:一个社会问题(Pollution:a Social Problem)
更新时间:2025-03-16 19:02:46
污染:一个社会问题(Pollution:a Social Problem) 相关文章
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