A Sunst,A Sunst范文A Sunst A Sunst
Th sunst is vry bautiful and lovly. Its scn is as wondrful as a sunris but it is vn mor bautiful to watch it in th country than in th city.
Whn th sun bgins to st bhind th mountains, its long rays light up th grn filds. Th clouds in th sky also bgin to glow with a goldn light, and th mountains ar rally colourful.
Whn th sun bgins to st bhind th mountain, it looks lik a rd ball. Its light fills th sky and changs th colour of th clouds from gold to rd. Whn th sun is gon altogthr bhind th mountain, th clouds turn gry and th mountains bcom black.
Thn you cannot hlp admiring th wondr of natur. A Sunst