雷锋式的人:“活雷锋”——我的英语老师-A“Living Lei Feng”--

更新时间:2025-03-18 18:17:28 高中生作文

雷锋式的人:“活雷锋”——我的英语老师-A“Living Li Fng”----My nglish Tachr 由 “活雷锋”——我的英语老师

雷锋式的人:“活雷锋”——我的英语老师-A“Living Lei Feng”--




A“Living Li Fng”----My nglish Tachr

On aftrnoon my nglish tachr and I wnt to visit a studnt's mothr, who was lying in hospital. As soon as w ntrd th hospital, somthing happnd.

A 15-yar-old girl was carrying a patint, hr fathr, to th doctor's offic. Bfor thy rachd th offic, th old man fll down to th ground, gasping his last①. What a pity to s th girl too wak to do anything for him! Fling hlplss, sh did nothing but cry.

At this momnt, som popl wnt to hlp, but wr shockd to find that th old man was dying fast. Thy wr too frightnd to do anything.

Glancing at m, my nglish tachr hurrid ovr to th dying man without hsitation②. H knlt on on kn and liftd th old man up. But th man couldn't walk. So my tachr put him on his back. Whn thy rachd th door of th offic, th patint was dad. Just thn a doctor cam up and said to my tachr:

“How misrabl! Plas snd your fathr into th mortuary③.”

“H isn't my tachr's fathr; it's hrs,” I xplaind to th doctor, pointing to th girl.

“Hrs?” rplid th doctor in surpris.

“Ys, it's hrs. My tachr and I happnd to pass by hr just now.”

“Your tachr?” th doctor said. “Which school ar you from? What's your tachr's nam?”

“His nam is….” Just thn I saw my tachr signaling④ to m with his hand. Clarly h wantd m to stop. But how could I?“H is my nglish tachr. His nam is Zhou Hongdun (周洪敦),”answrd I proudly.

Haring what I said, popl around smild at my nglish tachr.

“What a good‘living Li Fng!’” on of thm said, dply movd.



①gasp[ga:sp] on's last 奄奄一息

②hsitation[?hzi'tiM n]n.犹豫;踌躇

③mortuary['m&:tju ri] n.(医院的)太平间

④signal['sign l]v.以动作向……示意


本文只写了一件事:周老师救助即将断气的一位老人的行为。文章的前四段是铺垫部分,交待事情发生的背景。后面是用对话的形式叙述周老师助人为乐的行为发生的经过。办好事不让别人知道姓名,正是雷锋精神的体现,而且,说周老师是“活雷锋”者不是作者自已,而是一位受到感动的旁观者,这样写具有很强的说服力。 雷锋式的人:“活雷锋”——我的英语老师-A“Living Li Fng”----My nglish Tachr 由

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