My school

更新时间:2025-03-17 10:52:03 想象

My school

My school

My school is nar th mountains. Thr ar many orang trs on th mountains. In fall, w can s many orang orangs on th trs.

In front of my school thr is a rivr. Th watr is clan. You can s som fish swimming in it. Thr is a road bsid th rivr. In th morning, thr ar many studnts riding thir biks on th road. In th vning, thr ar many popl walking on th road aftr dinnr.

My school is nw and big. Thr ar fiv buildings. My classroom is on th forth floor in Building Four. Som studnts ar rading books, som ar doing homwork… W study hard in th classroom. Nar my classroom thr is a big playground. Thr ar many boys and girls. Som ar running, som ar playing basktball…Thy ar vry happy. Thr ar som small gardns in my school. In th gardns thr ar many small trs, grn grass and colorful flowrs. Thr is a path in vry gardn. W can walk on th path aftr school. W can s som big and bautiful stons standing in th gardns.

My school is vry bautiful. I lik my school vry much.

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