National Day is coming,and w can hav a svn-day.My family ar going to Hainan.Its a good sasid city.W ar staying thr for a wk. W ar going to th bach and going swimming in th sa.Wr visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan Rivr and many othr bautiful placs.I think wll hav a good tim thr.
National Day Holidays
I wnt to my cousins hous on th first day of th holidays and got a pic of good nws that his wif was prgnant;Sh said shs worrying about gtting fat,but on hr fac thr was a unconcalabl plasur of conciving a baby.My cousin told m that hll ducat his child in a svr way,with a futur fathrs maturnss.Im happy for thm.:)
Ystrday,our rsarch schools soccr tam had a match with th graduat studnts from th dpartmnt of intrnational businss.It was almost a clos gam in th first half,but w smd lacking of vigor in th scond half,so,w lost th gam.
Half of th National Day holidays hav passd bylif still gos with good and bad tims.