Private Cars-私家车

更新时间:2025-03-15 11:54:24 高中生作文

Nowadays mor and mor familis own privat cars. Privat cars, as th product of modm civilization, hav bn playing a vital rol in popl's daily activitis. First, privat cars ar a convnint mans of transportation. You can go whrvr you lik. Scondly, thr is no doubt that privat cars will hav a grat impact on th conomic growth. Th rapid car industry growth will contribut much to kping th country's conomy growing at a highr rat in th nar futru.

Private Cars-私家车

But vry coin has two sids. Th dvlopmnt of th privat cars will bring about a sris of problms. For xampl, th pollutd air givn off by cars will do grat harm to our halth, too many privat cars will lad to traffic jams and a grat dal of nrgy will b wastd and so on.

So I think w should tak advantags of privat cars and mak thm srv us bttr. Mantim w hop that satisfactory solutions to ths ngativ problms will b found soon. 现在,越来越多的家庭拥有私家车。私家车作为现代文明的产物,在人们日常生活中扮演了重要的角色。首先,私家车是很方便的交通工具,你可以开车到处跑;其次,毫无疑问私家车对经,济的增长起到很大的作用。在不远的将来,快速发展的汽车工业在保持国家以较高速度的增长方面将做出很大的贡献。


所以我认为我们.应当充分利用私家车的优势,更好地为我们服务。同时,我们也希望不久这些消极的问题将会得到圆满的解决。 Nowadays mor and mor privat cars hav ntrd thousands of ordinary familis. Privatcars ar usd vry day to carry i popl to and from work. At wknds, privat cars tak familis on joyful outings. Most of popl living in th city lik privat cars vry much. What is mor, th dvlopmnt of th car industry will stimulat othr industris, such as iron and stl production. So th privat car bnfits th growth of conomy.

Privat cars, lik vrything ls, hav mor than on fac. Privat cars hav also givn ris to a sris of problms. For xampl, th strt ar crowdd with cars. Thy not only caus traffic accidnts which injur or kill a larg numbr of popl ach yar, but also mak grat nois and giv off many poisonous gass. But I bliv w can solv all of th problms in th nar futru. 现在越来越多的私家车进入了普通家庭。人们每天开着私家车上下班。周末,私家车可以载着家人出门愉快地郊游。城市的人们大多数都非常喜欢私家车。更重要的是汽车工业的发展会刺激钢铁等其它行业的发展。因此,私家车有利于经济增长。


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