如何交朋友How To Gt On With Classmats
How do you gt on with your classmats? I think it’s asy to answr that qustion.
If you mt up with your frinds, you can say, “Hllo!” Your frinds must b happy, thy will think that you ar a polit girl or a boy!
If your frinds hav som qustions, you should hlp thm. Thy’ll thank you for your hlp.
My classmats ar vry hlpful and polit. If on of my classmats has som problms, my classmats will hlp thm solv it. So thy ar xcitd.
W hlp ach othr and tak car of ach othr.
I hop you can b a polit and hlpful child, and I hop you can gt on wll with all of your classmats.