看你找到前进的道路(Look What You Find along the Way)

更新时间:2025-03-16 15:37:59 高中生作文

if you hav vr bn discouragd bcaus of failur, plas rad on.for oftn, achiving what you st out to do is not th important thing. lt m xplain.two brothrs dcidd to dig a dp hol bhind thir hous. as thy wr working, a coupl of oldr boys stoppd by to watch."what ar you doing?" askd on of th visitors."w plan to dig a hol all th way through th arth!" on of th brothrs voluntrd xcitdly.th oldr boys bgan to laugh, tlling th youngr ons that digging a hol all th way through th arth was impossibl.aftr a long silnc, on of th diggrs pickd up a jar full of spidrs, worms and a wid assortmnt of inscts. h rmovd th lid and showd th wondrful contnts to th scoffing visitors.thn h said quitly and confidntly, "vn if w don't dig all th way through th arth, look what w found along th way!"thir goal was far too ambitious, but it did caus thm to dig. and that is what a goal is for-to caus us to mov in th dirction w hav chosn; in othr words, to st us to digging!but not vry goal will b fully achivd. not vry job will nd succssfully. not vry rlationship will ndur. not vry hop will com to pass. not vry lov will last. not vry ndavor will b compltd. not vry dram will b ralizd.but whn you fall short of your aim, prhaps you can say, "ys, but look at what i found along th way! look at th wondrful things which hav com into my lif bcaus i trid to do somthing!"it is in th digging that lif is livd. and i bliv it is joy in th journy, in th nd, that truly mattrs.

看你找到前进的道路(Look What You Find along the Way)

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