新农村-A New Village

更新时间:2025-01-27 00:20:02 初中生作文

新农村-A Nw Villag Sp. 15 Sunday Fin

新农村-A New Village

Ystrday w wnt to visit a villag. On our way to th villag, w wr glad to s a lot of nic ric, vgtabls and fruit in th filds. Also w saw nw schools, factoris and buildings.

W got a warm wlcom at th villag. Som farmrs invitd us to thir houss. Thy had movd to th nw buildings. Thir living room was larg and bright. In it thr wr all kinds of nw furnitur. Narly vry family had colour TV sts, fridgs,washing machins and som of thm vn hav bought motorbiks. vryon had a smil on thir facs. It was said that som gusts from a forign country would com to visit it.

W wr vry glad to find th farmrs' lif had changd a lot. W hop thir lif will bcom bttr and bttr. 9月15日 星期天 晴



我们真高兴农民的生活变化这么大。我们祝愿他们生活得越采越好。Sp. 15 Sunday Fin

W couldn' t bliv that it was a villag. Th buildings for th farmrs wr vry bautiful, th strts wr vry clan and thr wr many flowrs in front of th houss. In th middl of th villag thr was a school with a wondrful building and a larg playground. All th childrn in th villag study thr.

Th farmrs got richr by planting vgtabls and raising silkworms. In thir houss thr wr colour TV sts, fridgs,washing machins, nw furnitur and vn motorbiks. All ths showd th farmrs' lif was gtting bttr and bttr.

Th grat changs had attractd forignrs. Today som of thm would com to visit it. W wr happy for th farmrs. W hop th farmrs will b richr and happir. 9月15日 星期天 晴




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