新西兰游记(二)在新西兰的首都惠灵顿 karori,游泳馆是最具特色的地方之一。这又是为什么呢?原来是这样。在惠灵顿karori的游泳池有许多的特别之处,让我来告诉你们吧。第一:有三个池.我们平常见到的游泳池要不就只有一个室内池,要不就一个室外池,一个室内池.而在惠灵顿karori的游泳池,室内有三个池.热池,温池,和冷池.热池大概有十平方米;温池估计有三十五平方米;冷池差不多有二百多平方米。第二:有大型的水上玩具。这是在我们中国走遍“大池小池”都找不到的!每天接近下午两点的时候,工作人员会把不同的水上游戏气垫充气,这是与我们不同的。我终于结束了我今天的旅程,在这儿的每时每刻我都会铭记在心。再见,旧的一天。New Zealand holiday (2)At New Zealand Wellington, the swimming pool is one of the cool place. Why? Because at Wellington karori swimming pool there is lots of special place in the pool let me tell you.1.there is 3 pools. Usually we see a outside pool at Wellington karori swimming pool, there is 3 pool hot, warm and cold pools. The hot pool is around about 10m and the warm pool is round about 35m and the cold pool is about 200m.2.there is big inflatable. This is where we walk around china big pools and small pools and can’t find any inflatable. Everyday around 2 o’clock the swimming helpers puts up different inflatable. I finally finished my event for today. At here every hour and second I remember this event.Bye Bye.
更新时间:2025-01-21 17:44:47
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