standard usag includs thos words and xprssions undrstood, usd, and accptd by a majority of th spakrs of a languag in any situation rgardlss of th lvl of formality. as such, ths words and xprssions ar wll dfind and listd in standard dictionaris. colloquialisms, on th othr hand, ar familiar words and idioms that ar undrstood by almost all spakrs of a languag and usd in informal spch or writing, but not considrd appropriat for mor formal situations. almost all idiomatic xprssions ar colloquial languag. slang, howvr, rfrs to words and xprssions undrstood by a larg numbr of spakrs but not accptd as good, formal usag by th majority. colloquial xprssions and vn slang may b found in standard dictionaris but will b so idntifid. both colloquial usag and slang ar mor common in spch than in writing.colloquial spch oftn passs into standard spch. som slang also passs into standard spch, but othr slang xprssions njoy momntary popularity followd by obscurity. in som cass, th majority nvr accpts crtain slang phrass but nvrthlss rtains thm in thir collctiv mmoris. vry gnration sms to rquir its own st of words to dscrib familiar objcts and has bn pointd out by a numbr of linguists that thr cultural conditions ar ncssary for th cration of a larg body of slang xprssions. first, th introduction and accptanc of nw objcts and situations in th socity; scond, a divrs population with a larg numbr of subgroups; third, association among th subgroups and th majority population.finally, it is worth noting that th trms "standard" "colloquial" and "slang" xist only as abstract labls for scholars who study languag. only a tiny numbr of th spakrs of any languag will b awar that thy ar using colloquial or slang xprssions. most spakrs of nglish will, during appropriat situations, slct and us all thr typs of xprssions.语言的类型标准用法包括那些为使用这种语言的大多数人在任何场合下理解、使用和接受的词和短语,而不论该场合是否正式。 这些词和短语的意义已很确定并被列入了标准词典中。 相反,俗语是指那些几乎所有讲这种语言的人都理解并在非正式的口头或书面中使用,却不适用于更正规的一些场合的词和短语。 几乎所有的习惯用语都属于俗语,而俚语指的是为很多讲这种语言的人理解但大多数人不把它们列入好的、正式用法之内的词和短语;俗语甚至俚语都可能在标准字典中查到,但是字典中会标明它们的性质。 俗语和俚语词汇的应用都是口头较多、笔头较少。俗语用法经常地被接受为标准用法。 一些俚语也变成了标准用法,但另外一些俚语只经历了短暂的流行,而后就被弃之不用了。 有时候,多数人从来不接受某些俚语,但是他们把这些俚语保存到集中记忆中。 每一代人似乎都需要独有的一套词汇来描述熟知的物体和事件。很多语言学家指出,大量俚语的形成需要三个文化条件:第一,对社会中新事物的引入和接受;第二,一个由大量子群构成的多样化人口;第三,各子群与多数人口之间的联系。最后需要提到的是,"标准语"、"俗语"和"俚语"这些术语只是对研究语言的专家才有用的抽象标签。 不论何种语言,只会有很小一部分使用者能够意识到他们是在使用俗语或俚语。 讲英语的多数人能够在适当的场合中选择使用所有这三种语言类型。
语言的类型(Types of Speech)
更新时间:2025-03-13 22:46:02
语言的类型(Types of Speech) 相关文章