A Foolish Act in My Childhood-童年“傻”事,A Foolish Act inA Foolish Act in My Childhood-童年“傻”事 我小时候做过许多“傻”事,这是其中的一件。我八岁那年,有一天,我的叔叔带着一些牛肉来我家看我父母。我一闻到牛肉的香味就开始流口水,可叔叔告诉我小孩子吃牛肉会变成牛的,于是我吃饭时就没敢吃。可它太吸引我了,因此叔叔走后我偷偷地吃了一小口。事后我开始后悔,并等着变成一头牛。妈妈看见了,问我怎么了,我把一切告诉了妈妈。妈妈笑着说叔叔是骗我的,那不是真的。从那以后,我下决心再也不那么轻信别人了,要相信自己。 I did many "foolish" things in my childhood. This is on of thm.Whn I was ight yars old, my uncl cam to s my parnts with som bf on day. Th appaling smll of th bf mad my mouth watring.But uncl told m that littl kids shouldn't at bf. If thy at, thy would soon bcom ral cows! I was so scard that I dard not at it at th dinnr.But it rally attractd m. So aftr h lft, I put a littl pic into my mouth. Aftr that, I bgan to rgrt. I just waitd to b changd into a cow. Mom cam and askd m what had happnd. I told hr all about that. Sh laughd and said that uncl just jokd with m. It's not tru!Sinc thn, I mad up my mind not to b so crdulous. I should bliv in myslf. 我五岁的时候,爸爸买了一台电脑。我可以在上面画画,播放音乐。可有一次,电脑突然死机了。爸爸告诉我电脑可能感染病毒了。我吓坏了,急忙问爸爸,是不是感冒病毒呀?要不要给它吃药呀?爸爸听了笑着说,傻孩子,电脑得了病毒是不用吃药的,这是程序问题。我当时并不明白,可我下定决心以后一定好好学习,争取成为一名电脑专家。 A "Foolish" Act in My Childhood
My dad bought a computr whn I was fiv yars old. I could draw picturs and listn to music on it. But onc, th computr was down suddnly. My dad told m that it might b attackd by computr virus. I was so scard that I askd dad anxiously, "Did it gt a flu? Did it nd som mdicin?" But dad laughd and said smilingly, "Don't b silly, son. No mdicin can cur a computr virus. It's a problm of program." I didn't undrstand what my dad said at that tim. But I mad up my mind to study hard and to b a computr xprt in th futur. A Foolish Act in My Childhood-童年“傻”事