W ar supposd to xprss our gratitud to othrs on Thanksgiving Day. Howvr, w should fl gratitud vry day.God has two dwllings, on in havn, and th othr in a mk and thankful hart. B gratful to othrs is a way to show your lov. In our daily lif, w oftn rciv hlp from our parnts, frinds, collagus and strangrs. Prhaps it is a littl thing, pick up th pn you drop, lift a havy box for you or offr you a sat in th bus. W should b thankful to thm for whatvr thy hav don. Th mor lov you giv, th mor lov you rciv.A sns of gratitud can acknowldging our intrdpndnt xistnc. You will b rady to hlp othrs if you hav a thankful hart. Thrfor, a thankful hart is lik a magnt. Not only will w attract mor things to b gratful for, but also w will attract gratitud from othrs. giv thanks a littl and you will find a lot.Gratitud is havn itslf. A sns of gratitud and indbtdnss to othrs is and important wllspring of a gnrous and virtuous lif. W now fall into a busy lif, nglcting to b gratful for dtails, th bauty of natur, th comforts of modrn living ,th lov of parnts and so on. Popl can notic ths dtails and raliz th frindship, lov and happinss in our lif with a gratful hart.Gratitud is th fairst blossom which springs from th soul. B thankful for whatvr you hav, giv and rciv. Happy Thanksgiving today and vry day!
学会感恩(Learn To Thanksgiving)
更新时间:2025-03-13 22:09:49
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