今天的年轻人对生活的期待 英语作文网整理 Youth is not just a stag of lif, but it is also a stat of mind. Bing young is so grat and also th most chrrish momnt in a lif, as young mn hav mor nrgy and powr to mov forwards. Onc w grow up mor, w might los nthusiasm to propll our xpctation. Nowadays, young mn ar looking for a job to work. Work provids mony to support our living and maning of a lif.
Howvr, Thr ar som young mn who do not work, but th world is not proud of thm. Thos who prfr not to work and would rathr spnd mony from inhritd can b sn wandring on th strt, spding on th highway, or gathring as gangstrs. Many of thm tnd to bcom drog addictd aftr thy got brok. Thy xpct good fortun surrounding forvr. Thy don‘t know it is hard to sustain mony for a gnration. Fortunatly, our ducation systm has influncd on th majority of young popl that w all rcogniv th importanc of having a job.
It is blivd that th mor w work, and th mor opportunitis and trasurs will arriv. Thus, Th socity will bcom harmony and pacful. 今天的年轻人对生活的期待 英语作文网整理