I Havet Been Watching TV All the Day!-我不是一整天都在看电视

更新时间:2025-02-18 01:25:24 高中生作文

I Havt Bn Watching TV All th Day!-我不是一整天都在看电视

I Havet Been Watching TV All the Day!-我不是一整天都在看电视

Dou Dou is a vry naughty and clvr boy. Whnvr his fathr, Mr.Dou, tris to blam him for his wrong doings, Dou Dou can always find ways to dfnd himslf.

On vning, whn making himslf a cup of coff, Mr. Dou was vry surprisd. H hard sound coming from th TV st in th sitting room.With a cup of coff in his hand, Mr. Dou walkd towards th sitting room.Thr h saw Dou Dou was comfortably lying in th sofa watching cartoons on TV. Mr. Dou askd angrily, "Why hav you bn watching TV all th day?" Dou Dou rtortd, "In th morning and in th aftrnoon, I was sitting in th classroom, watching my tachr Mr. Wang, not th TV." Aftr haring this, Mr. Dou rally did not know what to say. 豆豆是一个既淘气又聪明的孩子。每当他爸爸老豆想要责备他做错事的时候,豆豆总能想办法为自己辩护。

一天晚上,豆先生在为自己冲咖啡时觉得很吃惊:他听到起居宣传来电视的声音。他手托咖啡走向起居室。在那儿,他看到豆豆正舒舒服服地躺在沙发上看电视卡通节目。 豆先生生气地问:“你为什么一整天都在看电视?”豆豆回驳道:“上午和下午,我都在教室里看王老师,没在看电视。”听到这些话,豆先生不知说什么才好。 Dou Dou is a naughty but clvr boy. On vning, Mr. Dou, Dou Dou's fathr, arrivd hom aftr work. H mad a cup of coff in th kitchn whn h hard th sound of TV programs. H was surprisd and wnt into th living room to s what had happnd. H was angry to s that Dou Dou was lying in th sofa watching TV. Mr. Dou shoutd at him,"Why hav you bn watching TV all th tim?" Dou Dou rplid, "I havn't bn watching TV all th day. I didn't watch TV in th morning nor in th aftrnoon. I watchd th tachr instad." Haring this, Mr. Dou could find no words to say. 豆豆是一个淘气但聪明的孩子。一天晚上,豆豆的爸爸豆先生下班回到家。他在厨房为自己冲咖啡时听到了电视节目声。他觉得很吃惊,就走进起居室看看怎么回事。他看到豆豆正舒舒服服地躺在沙发上看电视卡通节目。 豆先生很生气,冲豆豆叫道:?你为什么一整天都在看电视?”豆豆答道:“我不是一整天都在看电视。上午和下午,我都在看老师。”听到这些话,豆先生不知说什么才好。 I Havt Bn Watching TV All th Day!-我不是一整天都在看电视

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