我们的英语老师(Our Tachr of nglish)w hav svral tachrs of nglish sinc w bgan to study in middl school. but it sms to m that th prsnt tachr of nglish is th bst on w hav known so far. sh is nvr tird of hlping us in our studis. sh patintly answrs our qustions. sh had yars of xprinc in taching.sh tachs us how to writ in simpl, clar and corrct nglish, and to mak ourslvs undrstood to nglish spaking popl. sh has mad a dp imprssion on us all.with hr hlp w hav mad rapid progrss.
我们的英语老师(Our Teacher of English)
更新时间:2025-01-18 18:17:46
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