心理记人:又迟到了-Bing Lat Again 又迟到了
Bing Lat Again
“My God! I'll b lat again!”I said to myslf on my way to school.“How can I xplain to my tachr? I must find a rasonabl xcus.”
My clock dosn't work proprly? No, no. That's a common xcus for bing lat. Many classmats hav alrady usd it. It's clar that th tachr won't bliv it.
Thr is somthing wrong with my bik? No, no. If th bik is sn by th tachr aftr school, what can I say?
I fll off th bik and hurt my ankl? Thn I must prtnd to walk slowly and with difficulty. No! I narly forgt it. Onc Xiao Ming, a good frind of min, did just that, and th tachr saw through hr trick vry asily.
I was at my wits' nd①. I would hav to fac th tachr's rproach②.I could hav got to school in tim if I had got up a littl arlir.
At last I found myslf at th door of th classroom. I knw I could do nothing but admit my mistak. I pushd th door opn and wnt in. Lowring③ my had, I waitd for th rproach. A minut passd but nothing happnd. I hard only th sounds of rading. I lookd up. Why, th tachr hadn't com at all.
①(b) at on's wits' nd想不出办法了
②rproach [ri'pr utM] n.责备;指责
③lowr ['l u ] v.放低;低下
心理记人:又迟到了-Bing Lat Again